In situ conservation of threatened trees of the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran

In situ conservation of threatened trees of the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran

In situ conservation and protection of the most threatened endemic tree species of Iran and improvement of the knowledge of threatened woody species of the Hyrcanian Forest

Partner: University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Years: 2021-2024

This project aims to protect the most threatened endemic tree species of Iran and to improve the knowledge of threatened woody species of the Hyrcanian Forest. The main focus is put on two species, Acer mazandaranicum and Tilia sabetii that suffer from small population sizes and low density as well as from uncontrolled habitat destruction.

Tilia sabetii

This project aims to protect the most threatened endemic tree species of Iran and to improve the knowledge on threatened woody species of the Hyrcanian Forest. The main focus will be put on two genera: Acer (Sapindaceae) and Tilia (Malvaceae). More specifically, the project will concentrate on two species that suffer from very small population sizes and low density as well as uncontrolled habitat destruction: Acer mazandaranicum and Tilia sabetii.

This project, is intended to improve the knowledge of these two taxa, developing species recovery plans and implementing habitat protection measures. The main aim is to guarantee their long-term presence in the Hyrcanian Forest. Additionally, new prospections and surveys will be undertaken in order to find new populations of these two species within the Hyrcanian Forest.
