16 Apr Saving threatened trees from the subtropical forests of Hispaniola
Saving three threatened trees from the subtropical dry forests of Hispaniola: Ekmanianthe longiflora (EN), Pseudophoenix ekmanii (CR) and Pimenta haitiensis (VU)
Partner: Grupo Jaragua
Years: 2020-2023
This project focuses on increasing the number of viable wild populations within and outside the natural range of three threatened tree species, Ekmanianthe longiflora (EN), Pseudophoenix ekmanii (CR) and Pimenta haitiensis (VU) from the subtropical dry forests of Hispaniola and to create national and local pride and awareness around these species.
Oviedo’s cherry palm (Pseudophoenix ekmanii). The photo on the right depicts individual with damage from sweet sap extraction.
This project focuses on three globally threatened species whose distribution largely overlap in subtropical dry forests on limestone terrain in southern Hispaniola Island, particularly in the area of Jaragua National Park (NP). While their ecology, demography and phenology remain largely unknown, each is facing increasing and serious threats. Ekmanianthe longiflora is a rare and Endangered large tree only found in Cuba and southern Dominican Republic; Oviedo’s cherry palm (Pseudophoenix ekmanii) is one of the world’s rarest palms, considered Critically Endangered and restricted to Jaragua NP; and Jaragua’s canelilla (Pimenta haitiensis), considered Vulnerable, has a very limited range around Jaragua NP and is facing severe exploitation.
The main objectives are to increase the number of viable populations in the wild within and outside their natural range and create national and local pride and awareness around these species. Grupo Jaragua will achieve this by reducing unsustainable harvest, establishing monitoring of sites and individuals, studying possible natural limiting factors, propagating from seed, establishing plantations, creating incentives for sustainable harvest and developing a number of educational and communications products and activities.