01 Apr Assisting regeneration of threatened forest trees in Benin
Assisting regeneration of threatened forest trees in Benin
Partner: LEA – Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée
Years: 2020-2022
Habitat destruction, illegal logging and regeneration failure are the main threats on forest tree species in Benin. This project aims to increase the population size and microhabitat quality of Pterocarpus erinaceus (EN), Afzelia africana (VU), Albizia ferruginea (VU), Entandrophragma angolense (VU) and Uvariopsis tripetala (VU) in 11 small remnants of moist semi-deciduous forest covering 54 ha.
Flowering Albizia ferruginea crown (Toffo district, Bénin)
This project aims to increase the population size and microhabitat quality of five threatened tree species – Pterocarpus erinaceus (EN), Afzelia africana (VU), Albizia ferruginea (VU), Entandrophragma angolense (VU) and Uvariopsis tripetala (VU) – in eleven small remnants of moist semi-deciduous forest covering 54 ha.
The main activities, implemented through a participatory approach, include:
– annual firebreaks (2m wide and 10 km long),
– seedlings in-situ protection from trampling,
– grazing and weed competition (400 seedlings of P. erinaceus and 150 seedlings per vulnerable tree species targeted),
– seedling planting and in-situ protection (250 seedlings per vulnerable tree species targeted by the project), and
– designing 12 posters to facilitate discussions with relevant stakeholders on the pressing issue of halting illegal logging in community forests.