Safeguarding 8 threatened tree species of the Nariño department, Colombia

Safeguarding 8 threatened tree species of the Nariño department, Colombia

Safeguarding 8 threatened tree species in the premontane and high-Andean tropical forests ecosystems of the Nariño department

Partner: Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue
Years: 2024-2027

The project takes place in the Nariño department in the south of Colombia. It involves Pasto communities and aims to enhance the protection and reintroduction of 8 threatened tree species, suffering from the expansion of livestock and habitat destruction, in 4 different ecosystems (tropical high Andean Forest, sub paramo and paramo, dry and wet premontane forest). This will be achieved through an existing network of community nurseries.

Juglans neotropica (EN)

Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue is a Colombian NGO dedicated to the conservation and restoration of forests, biodiversity and ecosystems, which has been developing community projects in the Nariño department in the south of Colombia since 2019.
This project is conducted with the Pasto indigenous communities, in particular women who represent more than 70% of the beneficiaries. It empowers 16 different community associations belonging to Impulso Verde’s nurseries network. The reforestation program was created in 2016; it is producing native seedlings, restoring degraded forest areas and reintroducing trees in agricultural plots.
The community-based nursery network produces more than 130 different species from premontane forests to High-Andean Forests and sub paramo ecosystems. Among the 130 identified species, 8 of them are threatened tree species and will be prioritized by this project such as Juglans neotropica (EN); Aspidosperma polyneiuron (EN) and Libidibia ebano (VU).