23 Aug Natural regeneration of forests in Southern Cameroon
Support for the natural regeneration and revitalization of forests stands in Bengbis (Southern Cameroon)
Partner: BETA-Résilience (Technical Support Office for Socio-environmental resilience in Central Africa (BETA-Résilience)
Years: 2021-2024
This project aims to restore a forest basin with a high concentration of tree species of high conservation value, threatened by artisanal timber extraction and slash-and-burn agriculture, by protecting more than 10’000 seedlings in situ and planting more than 15’000 seedlings of some 40 threatened tree species.
This project aims to restore a forest basin in Cameroun with a rich floristic biodiversity, in close partnership with local communities, by establishing a natural regeneration area of 10 ha, restoring a degraded area of 12 ha and creating a nursery intended for the production of 20’000 seedlings of threatened tree species needed for their restoration efforts.
In addition, this project gives an important place to community awareness aimed at stimulating an endogenous dynamic for forest conservation. The area dedicated to this project will also serve as a teaching area for awareness raising and training of university students and local communities in threatened tree conservation.