17 Aug List of projects selected for funding by Fondation Franklinia (1st semester 2023)
A call for proposals was opened for Ghana at the beginning of the year. It followed the publication of a national strategy for the conservation of threatened trees, and strong interest from Ghanaian organizations in safeguarding the country’s trees and forests. The Foundation supported the development of this strategy and was committed to its implementation. This is a new approach which we hope will prove successful. Seven projects have been selected and funded.
Other organizations in other parts of the world have already benefited from the Foundation’s support. As the results obtained are promising, we have decided to continue our support. They are now entering a phase of consolidation and, in some cases, expansion.
We wish all the organizations good luck, and look forward to seeing and documenting the results and impact achieved in the field.
The new projects are listed below:
• Herp Conservation Ghana : Working with communities to improve the conservation status of six threatened tree species in the Onepone protected area in Ghana (2023-2025).
• Save Ghana Frogs : Rewilding Sui River Forest Reserve with threatened tree species. (2023-2026).
• Ghana Wildlife Society and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology : Improving the conservation status of Talbotiella gentii (CR), Hunteria ghanensis (EN) and Drypetes singroboensis (VU) in forest areas of Ghana using in situ conservation strategies (2023-2026, phase 2).
• A Rocha Ghana : Strengthening the knowledge and in situ conservation actions within Atewa Forest to protect its globally threatened tree species, critical ecosystems, and ecosystem service provision (2023-2026).
• Institute of Nature and Environmental Conservation : Restoration of degraded forest landscapes in Ghana using threatened native tree species (2023-2026).
• CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana : Coordinating and supporting the implementation of Ghana’s Threatened Trees Conservation Action Plan (2023-2026).
• Tropical Biology Association : Building capacity for long term conservation of threatened trees in Ghana (2023-2024).
• Sociedade Chauá (Brazil) : Strengthening threatened tree species diversity and reduce their extinction risk within the Araucaria Forests in southern Brazil (2023-2026, phase 2).
• Mendel University (Yemen) : Conservation of the endangered endemic Boswellia trees on Socotra Island in Yemen (2023-2026, phase 2).
• Botanic Garden of Fribourg : Sustainable development of a competence center for conservation and research on relict trees (2023-26, phase 2).
• Centre for Ecosystem Restoration-Kenya (Kenya) : Conservation of Kenya’s Central highlands threatened tree species through community participation and integration into planting programmes (2023-2026).
• African Forest Limited (Kenya) : Popularising conservation and protection of threatened tree species found in Kwale County in Kenya (2023-2026).
• Missouri Botanical Garden (Madagascar) : Conserving orphaned threatened Malagasy tree species by integration into reforestation and restoration projects (2023-2026, phase 2).
• National Tropical Botanical Garden (Hawaii) : Conservation of the threatened coastal Pandanus forests of East Maui in Hawaii (2023-2026).
• Congo Basin Institute : Expanding the Ebony Project in Cameroon to include other Red List Hardwood Species (2023-26, phase 2).
A more detailed description of these projects will be available on our website soon (https://fondationfranklinia.org/en/projets-en-cours/). The location of all the field projects supported by the Foundation is shown on the map at the bottom of that page. Some of them (identified with blue square are funded indirectly through Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International and the Zoological Society of London in partnership with Kew Gardens.