14 Feb Making the IUCN Green List of Species work for trees
Incentivizing tree conservation: making the IUCN Green List of Species work for trees
Partner: GWC – Global Wildlife Conservation
Years: 2019-2020
The IUCN Species Survival Commission under the IUCN “Green List of Species” initiative is expanding the scope of the Red List by creating metrics of species recovery. A framework has been developed to assess how close a species is to achieving full recovery and to assess the impact of conservation actions on recovery.
To ensure that this framework meets the same rigorous standards as the Red List, the SSC Species Conservation Task Force are consulting with species experts who represent the diversity of life on the planet.
Trees present unique challenges to the application of this framework due to their long generation time, unique life-histories, and the nuances of tree conservation. As such, it is imperative that the framework is adapted to adequately represent the ecology and conservation needs of trees.