Coordinating the conservation of threatened tree species in Ghana

Coordinating the conservation of threatened tree species in Ghana

Coordinating and supporting the implementation of Ghana’s Threatened Trees Conservation Action Plan.

Partner: CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG)
Years: 2023-2026

This project is aimed at supporting conservation actions and ensuring proper coordination between all actors involved in the implementation of the Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for Ghana’s threatened trees.

This project is aimed at supporting conservation actions and ensuring proper coordination between all actors involved in the implementation of the Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for Ghana’s threatened trees. Specifically, the project will: (1) create a comprehensive and accessible biodiversity information portal for all the 39 priority species identified in the CAP for Ghana’s threatened trees over a period of 3 years, (2) undertake botanical surveys for in situ protection, phenology monitoring, and assisted natural regeneration for 20 target species selected from the CAP priority list, (3) engage the National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC) at FORIG to collect seeds, raise and distribute nearly 400’000 genetically diverse assorted seedlings of the 39 priority species on the CAP priority list, for restoration planting, and (4) organise annual Stakeholder Workshops to build capacity, track progress, and measure the impact of the implementation of Ghana’s CAP. Besides increasing species population through the extensive field restoration activities, the project will generate and publish species distribution maps, habitat suitability models and phenology information for all 39 priority species to guide in situ planting actions. CSIR-FORIG will also develop protocols for improved nursery seedling raising and seed germination for all target tree species. These actions will no doubt preserve the priority threatened tree species of Ghana, avoid their extinction and improve their conservation status.
