Conservation of threatened trees in Koome Archipelago, Uganda

Conservation of threatened trees in Koome Archipelago, Uganda

Restoring rare and threatened trees in Koome Archipelago in Uganda (Phase 2)

Partner: Hope for Nature
Years: 2022-2025

This project aims at significantly scaling up Hope for Nature’s current restoration and conservation efforts of the highly threatened and very rare tree species of Koome Archipelago in Uganda.

The project aims at supporting, on the long term, the recovery, restoration and conservation of populations of Uvariodendron magnificum (EN), Afzelia africana (VU), Khaya anthotheca (VU), Prunus africana (VU) and Guarea cedrata (VU), classified as threatened on the IUCN Red List and native to Koome Islands on Lake Victoria. The trees were of great importance culturally and economically for the Islands communities, however because of the over exploitation of these trees, they have almost disappeared from the Islands. There is very limited number of mature trees left to allow efficient natural regeneration, hence the need for reinforcement planting. The project will enhance the recovery and survival of these threatened and rare trees using a participatory and incentive-based model, improving community livelihoods as counterpart to their restoration and post-planting maintenance efforts. The project aims as well at upgrading the existing community tree nurseries, establishing a field gene bank, advocating for tree restoration and conservation policy, raising awareness of the local communities and particularly schoolchildren. Training and deploying community-based apiary and threatened trees planting promoters is also part of the project. Apiaries and black pepper production sites will be established to improve livelihoods while preserving the reintroduced threatened trees.


