21 Feb Conservation of Malagasy precious woods
Conservation and sustainable management of the precious wood genera Dalbergia (Fabaceae) and Diospyros (Ebenaceae) in Madagascar
Partner: Missouri Botanical Garden
Years: 2019-2021
This project will fill critical gaps in science-based information and expertise required to control massive illegal exploitation of the precious wood genera Dalbergia (rosewood and palissander) and Diospyros (ebony) in Madagascar and to support efforts to test whether these valuable resources could instead be managed in a sustainable and equitable manner.
The conservation status of all species will be assessed, and field gene banks will be established at six sites for ex-situ conservation, especially of threatened species, and for reforestation and restoration. In-country capacity and expertise will be developed to provide accurate identification of Dalbergia and Diospyros even when flowers and fruits are lacking. This project is part of a broader collaborative program being implemented by the Madagascar Precious Woods Consortium involving MBG, the Université d’Antananarivo and ETH Zurich, with support from the European Union and USAID.