Conservation action for the world’s threatened trees

Conservation action for the world’s threatened trees

Scaling up conservation action for the world’s threatened trees.

Partner: Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Years: 2022-2025

This project aims at significantly scale-up conservation action for the world’s threatened trees by implementing concrete in situ species conservation actions for more than 110 threatened tree species and by coordinating and empowering various actors of the civil society, especially Botanic Gardens, to act as tree conservation leaders.

Building on the achievements of the Global Trees Campaign and utilising information from the Global Tree Assessment, BGCI is scaling up conservation action for the world’s threatened trees. This project will train and support local partners to deliver targeted actions for 110 threatened species. It will also coordinate and scale up actions for 1,206 threatened trees in three countries, and many threatened species of Acer, Quercus, Rhododendron, Nothofagus, Magnolia and Dipterocarps in China, Southeast Asia and Latin America. At the regional level, more than 200 botanic gardens will be coordinated and empowered to act as tree conservation leaders and 20 supported more specifically to scale-up their restoration efforts using threatened trees. At the global level, this project will track conservation action thanks to a conservation tracker, develop resources, best practices and policy papers to improve the quality of tree conservation. All elements will be delivered in collaboration with local partners, ranging from communities to national governments. Projects are subject to a comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation system to ensure that tree species are effectively conserved and impact is tracked.
